Alice used her fingers to slightly rubbed her newly wore pendent “Yes…yes, sorry, Grandma the overseas holiday trip and why it was associated the pendent. Oh…um one more thing Grandma, promise me, you will tell me the love stories with grandpa some other day Huh?” Grandma did not answer her and she said “I couldn’t influence your grandpa to cancel the trip and I was very worried and tensed until I lost my direction of what to do” She paused and Alice was noticing grandma, she was a bit tired and she was able to sense grandma was mostly likely felt thirsty. She stood up and said “grandma, stop for a while, I am going to the kitchen to get some drinks for you” Grandma smiled, felt content and kept quiet, indicating Alice was a good granddaughter and she was happy to be her grandchild..
Alice was needed to assist mother in the kitchen for lunch preparation and Grandma took the opportunity to have a nap in her room. Alice “Mum, do you have the capability of able to see the future like Grandma, or did Grandma tell you about her experience?” Mother was searching some spice containers “Your first question, yes and no, your second question yes” Alice “Mum please more details” Alice was washing some of their own grown vegetables “Mum please, the stories yes and no” Mother “I did have a dream and the feeling of being lucky and might be able to have a windfall when I conceived you. So I bought a lottery and I STRIKE it!” Alice opened her month “Hah…you did” Mother “Yes I did but I only got a consolidation prize, a few hundred dollars only!” She continued “Your Dad said it was only your baby lady luck and warned me not to gamble again”
Grandma and Alice, they were together again in Grandma’s room. Alice “Please Grandma, your unfinished story” Grandma asked back “Where were I?” Alice “How could the man gave you something ….and it must be quite expensive and walked away without a word?” Grandma “It is weird and at first I just couldn’t get what it meant, but then some phenomenon feels indicating, there is a unseen power of the pendent” Grandma continued “When I hold it, I could feel, it has a life, it wanted to show me by way of images or mind to mind commutations” Alice “You mean it has its mind of its own?” Grandma “I really don’t know? Any way I did feel safe the moment I possessed it” Alice “So nothing happen, you and Grandpa had a nice honey moon and sound and safe back home, end of story”
Grandma “Not quite, it was just before we were going to board our plan. The airport authority paged us to go to the office” and she quoted the airport officer told them “Sorry Mrs. and Mr. There is a mixed up, the plane you are supposed to board in, it was full house. Please accept our apology, we will arrange a hotel room for both of you and your flight will be tomorrow morning at 9.00am” Grandma “Your Grandpa was very angry and loudly argued with the officer, your Grandpa indicated we were having all checked up and boarding pass were issued and seats were allocated, it was impossible a mixed” Grandma said that he officer explained “The plane was schedule to fly but having technical glitches and they have to replace a smaller capacity plane” Alice “So OK, just enjoyed one day free hotel room and foods” Grandma “Not quite, hours later in our hotel room, news reported, the plane we were supposed to board in was down, no survivors”
Next: Chapter Two - The Farm – Grandma and Alice I
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