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This story is about using the high technology to make it in such a way that human is having magical/super power. Human makes use of this power to do the wonders.

The main purpose of this book, it is for some reading entertainment, and it did carry some weight of expressing his believe that the some parts of the story could be one day in the near future, become our daily life. The author wishes to say “life will be more beautiful the next day”

Thank you, good day or good night.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter Two – The Farm – Waterfalls within the Cave

Grandma and Alice sailed by the turtle boat right through the waterfall.  They got themselves landed at the cave and standing at the cave lakeside.  Alice was trying to look and explore around but stopped by Grandma and needed to answer her question.  Grandma asked “Why we are here and inside the cave?” Alice “They said it is safe inside the cave, out there, very dangerous and life threatening”
The caves was very huge, round in shape, it was like a dome at about twenty storey building height, highly spacious and dim light. It had a stream of about ten meter wide joining from the Waterfall Lake and water flown towards deep inside of the cave.  There was not visible path to walk through or any path at all.  Grandma exclaimed lightly “It is so beautiful!”  Alice looked at her with questioning expression on her forehead.  Grandma “It is beautiful in the sense of well organized and orderly structured” Alice looked around and agreed with her.
The white ants were building their home in those cracks on the lime stone walls.  Other species of ants had their homes with high rise apartments; they were built on the ground along those white ants on top on the walls.  Beetles species were having their homes inside the hollow dead wood at one of the area. Worms’s species, spider’s species and many more, each had their own group at one of the area.  No messing no mixed up and it was so neatly arranged, it seem that they were a result of agreement after meeting of all in-house residents.
Grandma “Alice, where could the stream is leading to? Let’s go and find out” Alice was hesitating, after all it was an unknown adventure. Alice “Grandma, it is an untouched cave; we could be the first visitors.  Don’t you think, it is a bit risky?” Grandma disputed “Alice, we are told, it is safe inside here, out there it is life threading!” Alice knew, it was not possible not to do the exploration with Grandma.
A large group of giant beetles, they were pushing and getting small granite, earth and sand, forming a small walk-able path. Alice “Ok, let’s go” Grandma “You told them to do it” Alice “No, they got the message through me from you and they told me not to worry, they had secured the whole cave and they found no visible dangers except asked us to be careful about some deep holes. There are many around the cave” Grandma “We are ok if we follow the path they built for us”
Giant beetles building the path along the streams side.  There were dim light to make it possible for Grandma and Granddaughter to have no problem of laying eyesight on many beauty natural structures. As they went deeper and deeper to the cave, the noise of cave entrance waterfall splashes getting fader. There was another noise of water splashes getting louder and it was coming from the deeper of the cave. They went through narrow passage which was downwards. It was narrow but comfortably to move around.  It seemed that the giant beetles had chosen a good path for them to move along and move around.
It was another cave, it was another huge cave and the lights were not sun light.  There were brightening up by glittering of crystal stones and un-identified shining stone all over the cave walls. There were waterfalls of just only two meter height of about ten meter wide, the splashing down water formed a ten meter diameter round in Shape Lake and there were full of turtles and fishes. Grandma and Alice, wide opened their mouth and admired the mighty creator of natural architectural beauty.  Grandma “Alice if it is not because of me that I was insisting, we are going to miss lots of lots and lots!” They walked round the lake with lane being cleared by the giant beetles.  A number of water tunnels, couple of them, water flowed out and couple of them water flowed into the lake.
Grandma “Let’s explore the water tunnels!” Alice was pretending looking around but secretly asked the giant beetles with her new capability of brain wave communication. Telling them to stop the path clearing and ended by making the path one round circle of the lake. Alice said “Grandma, the beetles just passed message to me, the water tunnels are dangerous and they have not been there” Grandma asked with unhappy tone “Can’t you enquire the turtles and fishes; they are swimming in and out of the tunnels?” Alice pretending concentrating and said “They said the tunnels are very dark and they use touch senses for getting around” Alice stopped Grandma from getting more queries “Grandma they are getting agitated …..” Alice was interrupted by new messages and stopped talking to Grandma and concentrating.
Grandma “What’s wrong?” Alice replied “We have guests” Grandma looked at her “Guest?” Alice “Yes, they are on the way to our house and I believe we, you and I, know one of them”
Next:  Chapter Two – The Farm – The Farm Guests
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