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This story is about using the high technology to make it in such a way that human is having magical/super power. Human makes use of this power to do the wonders.

The main purpose of this book, it is for some reading entertainment, and it did carry some weight of expressing his believe that the some parts of the story could be one day in the near future, become our daily life. The author wishes to say “life will be more beautiful the next day”

Thank you, good day or good night.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chapter Two – The Farm – Morning (1)

Morning table, a good sunny morning, the breakfast of Mark family would be outside their front house.  It was school holidays and all members of Andrew Mark family were present.  Alice’s younger brothers and sisters, one of them to look for their father, another to get Grandma, the rest of them and Alice helping their mother to set up table and get ready for breakfast.  It was quite a scene, a warm, loving family having their breakfast under the cool breeze but sunny and full of greenish farm land environment.  
No matter how warm the family that it could be, no matter how closed, loving and caring for each other of any family,  the meeting and getting together was always very short, having finished their breakfast and enjoying their feelings of togetherness.  Andrew and their hired helpers went over to tend their fruit farm a day’s work.  Mother had her one long day and one long list of things to do.  Grandma held Alice to stay put with her, in her room.
Grandma bedroom, she handed over the necklace with egg shape pendant to Alice “Alice, keep it and wear it 24 hours, do not take it out even you are taking a bath” Alice took it over and Grandma helped her to round it on her neck. Grandma remind her again “Alice take it seriously and follow my advice strictly” She firmly and solemnly in her tone in the effort of convincing Alice that she meant it.  Alice could sense the seriousness, she asked “Grandma please, there must be something, I believe I need to know” Grandma released the necklace from her fingers after hooked it on Alice’s neck, she said “Indeed, you do have to know”
Grandma “It was quite some time ago.  Your Grandpa and I were having an oversea trip.  Your Grandpa needed to bring some newly breed of fruits seeds from overseas and he wanted me to go along for a holiday after he have done with his business” Alice smiled “Grandma, you are wrong, it was not a holiday trip, it was a honey moon trip with Grandpa! Yeah…... Grandma, was it a second…... third or forth?” Grandma did not pay attention to her cheeky remarks and continued “Those few days before the holiday trips, I was having the same feelings as what you are having now” Alice’s cheeky face withdrawn abruptly and seriously concentrate and focus on Grandma Body posture and her past story.
Grandma “The feelings cum hunch of uneasiness were getting stronger and stronger when the date of the trip was getting closer” Alice “Did you occasionally having fear hunch?” Grandma “Yes, I was” Alice “Did you….. sometimes whether at night or day time, sleeping or awake, it gave you a kind of nightmare but it was not, I just don’t know how to describe it” Grandma said calmly and with agreeing tone “ Yes, it is exactly what you have felt it” Alive “Grandma, how many times you have such a hunch and did they materialized?” Grandma “Just only a couple of times and it did occurred as per what I have dreamt” Alice “You mean, the hunch relayed to you by dreams with some certainty?” Grandma “Two occasions, at first it was uneasy feelings and later translated into full picture by dreams, but not s day dream”
Alice waited the tale of her true story, Grandma “Two days before a fire disastrous at our shop houses, I dreamt the fire was burning your great grandfather’s shop, by then, I was twelve years old” Alice “Naturally when you spoken out to everyone or someone and no one was believing in you” Grandma “Yes it was the case, no one was believing in me” Grandma continued “Since no one was going to believe me,  and I was so confident that it would happen, I tried not to sleep that night” Alice “Ah…huh, you saved the fire disaster!” Grandma “Not exactly, the fire started at our next two shops on the same block and it spread to our shop very quickly” Alice said nothing and waiting, grandma “I screamed when I smell the smoke and woke everyone in sound sleep at 2.00am, father called fireman by phone and luckily the phone was still working”
Next:  Chapter Two – The Farm - Morning (2)

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