The capability of lightning speed of movement, making his body super light and the weightless body of him, he could fly like a bird, possibly higher and faster than them. He was looking and searching, He found him, he picked him up from a pile of nasty insects and shook him vigorously in an attempt to shake off those insects attacked him and attached to his body. The insects were only attacked by injecting deadly poison when biting. Ray made sure that Peter Mark was free from insects; it was still, he was careful enough, picking him by holding his clothing without body contacts and flied off to the farm house.
Grandma and Alice came out from the cave by the help of “turtle” boat, they were alight on the land and within seconds turtles and others were gone and disappeared out from sights. Grandma wanted o go direct to the farm house in front of Alice. Alice stopped her and said “Grandma, walk behind me, something is not accounted for” Grandma asked “What?” Alice “I have picked up extremely unfriendly messages” Grandma “From the ants or beetles?” Alice “none of them” Alice was carefully stepping forward and concentrating.
Grandma “Alice, say something” Alice “Please, Grandma I just intercepted messages of, kill them, poison them, dry them up and it is repeating. They are not communicating to me; they act like soldiers, marching and repeating those words and these words, destroy everything, dead drop them, not anywhere but farm house and those everything on the way”
Grandma realized the seriousness of the situation; she followed carefully the footsteps of Alice. It was near the farm house. Alice stopped moving forward and Grandma followed and looked forward. There were ugly, fearful with glowing color creatures, thousands and millions of them, surrounding the farm house. Fears was attacking to Alice in her deepest heart, feels of lost in all directions and none whatsoever any decision she could have, standing there like a statue. She was about to give up hope and called it the end of her life and break the news to Grandma. Stopping her to do so, it was by the movements and activities of those creatures.
Those creatures were making eerie noises then moved sideways and leaving a clear path leading to the farm house, there were creatures moved too slowly, they turned turtle and self burnt with strong flame couple with boom of explosion.
Alice was still hesitating, un-deciding of what to do. She picked up a clear message and it was a human voice, it was Jessie who communicating to her by brain wave “Alice, don’t worry walk through the passage and bring along your Grandma to your house”
The farm house, the living hall, there were Peter Mark, Andrew Mark, his wife and others, Jessie and Ray. Grandma and Alice saw Peter was lying down on the floor, his clothing were torn into pieces, visibly of blood stains all over his body, there were something else, moving under his skin, there were some on his legs and hands and some were on his body, they were moving at a very slow speed. He was suffering and answered with pain for the questions posed by Andrew “I don’t expect it was this way, they told me and I did agree on the condition of scaring you all off, that’s all, please do trust me”
Grandma flared “You..! Useless son, you did push me off in the cruise ship?” Peter pleaded for forgiveness “Ma, I did push you a little so that you would fell off on the floor, but you lost your balance. Ma, it was not my intention to harm you but to scare you that harm would eventually happen to you all” Andrew fiercely asked “What did you do now? Why there are so many creatures outside the house and fruit trees were destroyed?” Peter “They were not suppose to harm anyone, they are dna modified worms and they are suppose to attacked fruit trees for only unable to do fruiting”
Alice knew Jessie had some form of power and she begged “Please, Miss….” Jessie interrupted her and said “I am Jessie and my friend is Ray” Alice acknowledged and asked again “Please Miss Jessie, help my uncle, he is dying” Jessie just shook her head and Peter took over “Alice ...thanks ...but it’s no use, the deformed warms either have evolved not according to its original intended purpose or I was tricked to believe of its original intentions” Alice was having a crying voice “Uncle, why you have to do it?” Peter looked highly exhausted and greatly in pain “debts have been accumulated and become huge! They promised it would do only scarily tactics until the farm is sold” Andrew said emotionless “served you right, you are taking your own medicine!” Grandma said in grieved “Why must you gamble! None of your brothers and sisters gambles except you!”
Situation was gloomy in the living hall; it was deadly silent and covered with erring and creepy noises from the creatures outside. Screams of pain broke the silent from Peter; the movements of the creatures under his skin became intensified. Intensive movements stopped, followed by explosive boom like fire crackers all over Peter body thereafter strong and fiercely flame of greenish in color burnt Peter into ashes in just seconds.
Movements of creature outside intensifying, Jessie wait no further, she started to get everyone in the hall be seated on the floor. Each of them hand held hand, right hand to left hand, starting from Jessie, Ray and the rests, forming a circle.
The farm house was covered up by some kind of force-field in a semi-globe shape with mufti color like rainbow. The creatures were marching towards the force-field. The glowing was getting stronger and brighter, the moment they went into the force-field, they turned turtle and exploded. They did not stop and kept on going into the force-field, they were millions and it was one wave follow by another. The explosion was getting stronger and louder, the flame from greenish to purple red and they were as high as few tens meter. The farm house was unharmed and Alice picked up repeating massages “dead or alive, destroy them all, things or human, those on the way”
Next: Chapter Three – The Vehicle - Shopping
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